Archive for the 'Palindromania!' Category

Oh Majel, We Will Miss You

Friday, December 19th, 2008

Majel and Gene

I don’t have the words to say properly how sad I am that Majel Barrett has passed away. Just these few disjointed thoughts will have to do.

Tonight I am watching a mini marathon of Majel. First was Half a Life, in which she and David Ogden Stiers are guest stars. She has several memorable lines in this episode. There’s one that flits through my brain on a regular basis. It’s when Timicin says he doesn’t think that children should have to repay their parents for their love and care by caring for them when they get old. Her response, delivered just perfectly: “Well, why the hell not?!” Heh. Also during this episode she describes a certain kind of elaborate headdress or wig that the women of Betazed once wore, which I would like to attempt to make a drawing of. Perhaps tomorrow. More on that below.

Second was The Cage, in which she plays Star Trek’s first First Officer. Unfortunately the network didn’t think the public would accept a female first officer, so her part as Number One didn’t make the jump from the pilot to the show. She was cast instead as Nurse Chapel, and appeared in tons of episodes. Later she became the voice of the Enterprise computer, and became the only performer to be in all of the series — plus several movies. I hope to not cry during the new movie when I hear her voice.

And right now I am watching The Forsaken. I’m just at the place where she and Odo are talking in the broken turbolift, and he is starting to open up a little about his past:

Odo: What was it like — well, I guess you could say I was the life of the party.

Lwaxana: I don’t think I understand.

Odo: My way of trying to fit in. I found I could be entertaining. ‘Odo, be a chair,’ I’m a chair. ‘Odo, be a razor cat,’ I’m a razor cat. Life of the party.
I hate parties.

Lwaxana: Perhaps you’ve been going to the wrong ones. Come to one of mine, Odo. I’ll make sure that all the guests are there to entertain you.

I just love that part. And sure, it’s good writing, sure. But going by everything I’ve read or heard about her, these are lines that suited her very well.

Next up: The Muse. And maybe after that, the one where she gets Worf to take a mud bath. Ha!

I’ll get to sleep eventually maybe.

Last, one of the best lines ever:

When it comes to picnics, the only thing that really matters is the company.


Oh yes! I changed the palindrome in her honor. It’s the only space-related one I could think of off the top of my head. (Not that I made the palindrome — I just found it a while ago out there in the cyber net thing.)

Also, it is part of the reason I want to try to draw a picture of the fancy Betazoid headdress.

So here is the palindrome for the rest of December, and also for January, because I love Majel just that much:

Space caps!

Rest in peace, Majel.

Special Palindrome for November

Saturday, November 1st, 2008

Obama! Obama! Obama!
This awesome design is by Ray Noland.

…yes, folks, it’s another very special palindrome. But how could it be more special than the Lisa and Nick palindrome? Well calm down, I didn’t say it was more special. It does make me happy though.

Amabo? OBAMA!

So in this case, special means part of it is a made up word. I decided that was okay, one more time, because I am all excited about this election. Tomorrow I am going to fill out my ballot, and then on Tuesday I am taking the little one with me to turn in the ballot at the polling place.

It is going to be a great day.

Palindrome for October

Thursday, October 2nd, 2008

Istanbul honeymoon!

Hello, dearies, and welcome to this month’s palindrome entry. It may seem strange at first:

Yay! Asild nakcin! Nick and Lisa, yay!

But know that I have a good reason for making up words this time. The Lovely Lisa of Lemon Gloria has just recently become joined in matrimony to the Dashing Nick! And we are so happy for them! Yay for Lisa and Nick!

Also, “Asild nakcin!” is* an ancient Sumerian exclamation meaning “Let us rejoice!” Woo hoo!!! Yay Lisa and Nick!

* Not really.

Palindrome for September

Tuesday, September 2nd, 2008

And this month’s palindrome will be our first repeat ever! Because I am lazy. A lazy, lazy lush:

Martini mini-tram!

I recently have been the recipient of a little professional advice on the making of the better martini. It seems a key is to place the vermouth in the glass only, not the shaker, just after dumping the ice water out of the glass. Then swirl the vermouth and dump it too, very thoroughly. Shake that fucker out good. (Do not accidentally throw the glass in the sink.) Then pour the just-stirred (or just-shaken) martini out of the pitcher (or shaker) into the vacated glass. Evidently this way the vermouth does not pollute the entire beverage. It’s just barely there. And yay! It makes a noticeable difference. Thank you, Kip!

Palindrome for August

Friday, August 1st, 2008

It’s that time again, folks. Here, then, for your edification and enjoyment, this month’s palindrome:

Mix a maxim.

Now we just need to figure out what goes into a maxim. I’m thinking gin or vodka as the base, similar to a martini. Then something pithy, perhaps. Absinthe? That’s from wormwood, right? (Get it? Wood? Pith? Ha! Ha!) Whoops, turns out wormwood is a plant, not a wood. So, hmm, maybe a bit of nice oaky whiskey. Then, since people fond of maxims can also be the preachy types (according to the definition at, a maxim can be sententious, and those who are sententious can be moralistic) . . . where was I? Oh! I was wondering what the preachy types would like with their vodka. They seem to have the wildest streaks, so let’s say tequila. Or moonshine! Also too, a maxim is a type of old machine gun. Is there a gunpowder-flavored liquor? Or do we have to use actual gunpowder? Ok, so! Our recipe for a maxim, straight up: 1 oz. gin or vodka, 1 oz. whiskey, 1 oz. moonshine, pinch gunpowder. Stirred, not shaken.


Let me know if you have any better ideas. I have no doubt that you do.