Archive for January, 2008

Internet Party: When Google’s parents leave town…

Saturday, January 26th, 2008

It’s a funny video! Yay!

Sunshiny day

Sunday, January 13th, 2008

A sunny day in January! If you open the window, you can hear the cry of the native northwesterner: “What’s that bright light? Aaaah, my eyes!”

We should be outside but we are not. We are inside playing games on the new Wii M got last night. And playing pinball. And just in general behaving as though we didn’t have a million things to do today. It’s pretty great at the moment — just have to keep forgetting we’ll pay for it later.

Palindrome for January

Saturday, January 5th, 2008

Past time for a new palindrome. I can’t believe it’s 2008! And January! Here then:

Egad, an adage!

If anyone knows of an adage that would provoke such a reaction, I’d love to hear it.