Special Palindrome for November

Obama! Obama! Obama!
This awesome design is by Ray Noland.

…yes, folks, it’s another very special palindrome. But how could it be more special than the Lisa and Nick palindrome? Well calm down, I didn’t say it was more special. It does make me happy though.

Amabo? OBAMA!

So in this case, special means part of it is a made up word. I decided that was okay, one more time, because I am all excited about this election. Tomorrow I am going to fill out my ballot, and then on Tuesday I am taking the little one with me to turn in the ballot at the polling place.

It is going to be a great day.

2 Responses to “Special Palindrome for November”

  1. Lisa Says:

    Yayyayyay! Great design, and a fantastic palindrome! And I love when you make up words! Big hugs to you!

  2. admin Says:

    Thank you, Lisa! I saw a version of that design on a t-shirt over at spidercamp.com, but unfortunately they were all sold out by the time I heard about them. Ah well.

    And, made-up words certainly come in handy when I’m trying to make a palindrome from scratch :) Big hugs to you too! :)

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