Palindrome for October

Istanbul honeymoon!

Hello, dearies, and welcome to this month’s palindrome entry. It may seem strange at first:

Yay! Asild nakcin! Nick and Lisa, yay!

But know that I have a good reason for making up words this time. The Lovely Lisa of Lemon Gloria has just recently become joined in matrimony to the Dashing Nick! And we are so happy for them! Yay for Lisa and Nick!

Also, “Asild nakcin!” is* an ancient Sumerian exclamation meaning “Let us rejoice!” Woo hoo!!! Yay Lisa and Nick!

* Not really.

2 Responses to “Palindrome for October”

  1. Lisa Says:

    Hahahaha! You are so awesome! Thank you so much! Yay – we have a palindrome! (Too many exclamation points? I think not!!!)

  2. admin Says:

    I think in this case — this happy happy case — there cannot be too many exclamation points! :)

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