Archive for the 'groundhog day' Category

Groundhog day!

Saturday, February 2nd, 2008


And so we’ve been quit of smoking for four years now. Woo hoo! According to the quit meter, that means:

Over $15,300 not spent on cigarettes — and that’s at four-years-ago prices!


Between the two of us, over 51,000 cigarettes not smoked. YUCK!

Yay us!

Friday, February 2nd, 2007


Three years with no cigarettes! YAY!
The quit meter I’d been using won’t work on my home computer, so I’ll have to spare you the disgusting stats. Too bad.

Groundhog Day

Thursday, February 2nd, 2006


M. and I quit smoking two years ago today. Since then, we’ve not smoked over 25,000 cigarettes, and not spent about $8000. Yay for us!