Groundhog day!


And so we’ve been quit of smoking for four years now. Woo hoo! According to the quit meter, that means:

Over $15,300 not spent on cigarettes — and that’s at four-years-ago prices!


Between the two of us, over 51,000 cigarettes not smoked. YUCK!

8 Responses to “Groundhog day!”

  1. Lisa Says:

    I’m proud of you! That’s fantastic. And so extraordinary when you add up the numbers. Yay!

  2. admin Says:

    Thank you Lisa! It is so awesome to not be an addict anymore. :o)

  3. Cat Says:

    Yay to both of you! Many congrats on a job well done and a healthier life ahead!!

  4. admin Says:

    Thanks, Cat! And we are sending all kinds of get well wishes your way. :o)

  5. fem Says:

    kris quit.
    i am working on it.
    cold turkey and i do NOT get along.

  6. admin Says:

    Oh YAY! You can do eet!
    Something funny Homer said:
    Going cold turkey isn’t as delicious as it sounds.
    I love you! Yay yay yay!

  7. Lisa Says:

    I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to meet you whenever you are out here! Absolutely we will have beers or drinkies! Please let me know!

  8. admin Says:

    Oh my goodness you are so sweet! It’s a plan then! For sometime! In the future! I will totally let you know! :) :) :)

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