Archive for the 'groundhog day' Category


Saturday, February 2nd, 2013


Nine years! Nine years! We have a niner!
Stats today:

$38,365.71 not spent on cigarettes, and

115,097 cigarettes not smoked.

[takes a bow]
That is all.

Actually there’s one other thing. I decided this year that instead of finding a groundhog picture on the internet, I would make my own. Partly because I couldn’t find any suitable images that I haven’t already used, and partly because I don’t really enjoy using other people’s images. I’ve been drawing a bit lately, getting more practice in than I have in years, and so I’m looking forward to continuing the habit and seeing how much better my groundhog drawing turns out next year. Luckily this year’s drawing leaves a lot of room for improvement!

Groundhog Day!

Friday, February 3rd, 2012

…was yesterday. A day late ain’t so bad.

Aaaaand, we are quit for EIGHT (8) YEARS! (Plus a day.) Hard to believe. We have now NOT smoked over 34,000 cigarettes, and NOT spent over $102,000. (Oh haha! Months later now, and I realize I have that backwards. It’s 102,000 cigarettes and $34,000. And the only reason I noticed is that I finally did the math and couldn’t recall ever smoking a $3 cigarette.)

It might seem a little weird, commemorating the anniversary of something that really shouldn’t matter much anymore. Except: it still matters. We still both notice on a regular basis how much better life is without the addiction. I was just talking the other day with an acquaintance who is trying to quit, and we both agreed it’s like changing who you are. Not easy! And I’m totally not bragging — at least not about my ability to quit. I certainly tried a lot of times before it finally worked.

I am bragging about those stats, though. I love those stats.

Go to for the quit meter, which I have really enjoyed using, as you can see.

Groundhog Day!

Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011

And it’s been 7 years since we quit smoking! Seems like a lot longer than 6 years, somehow. The quit meter says:


$29,827 not spent


[louder drumroll]

89481 cigarettes NOT SMOKED! That’s almost ninety thousand. Holy dang, that is a lot.

The quit meter I use is available at and I highly recommend it. Not sure why I have failed to mention that before.

Anyhow, YAY!

Groundhog Day already??

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2010

yay babies

How did that week/month/year go by so fast? Dang.
Six years today! Of not smoking! I don’t know what the stats are this time, as they live on my computer at work, and I haven’t been there lately and won’t be until mid March. So, we’ll just say: money not spent = a lot, and cigarettes not smoked = really a lot.


Thursday, February 5th, 2009


64,068: that’s what the quit meter says right now. M & I quit smoking five years ago, as of Groundhog Day. FIVE YEARS WOO HOO!! 64,000 cigarettes not smoked! And we’ve not spent almost $20,000 — and that’s at five-years-ago prices. Dizzam.