Archive for August, 2010


Monday, August 2nd, 2010

Well, kind of. It’s just barely warm enough for today’s summer-time-y fun.


Note the picnic blanket — placed there to keep little C from sampling the dirt and mashing the ants. Also please note the lack of pants on the older one. She had the hose out. The jeans got soaked. They came off. Also please admire the abundance of yellow flowers. Aren’t they pretty? What are they called, you say? Hmmm, I don’t remember. I think they have a fancy French name, something to do with lion’s teeth.

Heh, we are so not fancy. We might be fancy someday. Not yet.

For now I’m happy to sit on the porch with a little coffee to warm me up and a little soda water to cool me down, and two girlies to light up my heart.

happy grils