Archive for August, 2009

Big day!

Thursday, August 13th, 2009

Warning: there may be a few too many exclamation points in the coming paragraphs. Couldn’t be helped.

Today is: Lisa’s birthday! Lisa, it’s your birthday! Happy birthday, Lisa! And it is also Lisa’s due date! Woo! Thinking contracty thoughts for you, Lisa!

And! It is also a special day for M and me — our 5th wedding anniversary! His folks, who are seriously the best possible in-laws a girl could ask for, are arriving for a weekend visit this afternoon. Tonight we’ll all go to dinner at Machiavelli (YUM) and tomorrow evening we’ll head out to the cabin.

Oh! Yes! We finally found our cabin! We first saw it on July 3rd, and took possession on the 15th. That fast! We LOVE it and we have gone out there every chance we get. Here are a few pictures from that first day of cabin ownership.

The river:

the river

The cabin (if you squint you can see my big belly!):

little cabin

The first pond, built by M & M (I forgot to bring any river shoes that day):

first pond

The tiny pool of rocks I gathered while they built the pond:

pretty rocks

We can’t wait to go back!

Lisa’s birthday song stuck in your head too? Sorry about that.

Bad news for the mentally ill

Wednesday, August 12th, 2009

On the Effectiveness of Aluminium Foil Helmets: An Empirical Study