Archive for May, 2008

Water baby

Wednesday, May 21st, 2008

Little M had a chance to play in a fountain a bit on Sunday. I was SO glad I had my camera with me.

The fountain is neat — it’s got turtles and frogs, the water arcs out of the mouths. One comes on, then about ten seconds later it goes off and another comes on, then a whole bunch come on at once, then they all go off. Then one comes on….

By the end of the video, a small crowd had gathered. Some were taking pictures and videos of their own. Most of the voices in the video (besides hers) are other spectators, sometimes talking about her, sometimes talking to their own children in the fountain.

So now you see the sheer volume of cuteness we are living with on a daily basis. It is a veritable Live Action Cute Overload extravaganza over here. (And every day we know how lucky we are.)

Palindrome for May

Thursday, May 1st, 2008

Time for a new palindrome! And I must say, I am happy that May is here. Maybe spring will be here soon.

O, cat taco!

Yes, cats again. And again, not very nice to the cats. One might think I don’t like cats. But I do. So, cats two months in a row. Probably too early to call it a theme. More like a cat… flavor. Er, maybe that’s not the best choice of words either. How about… a thing? A cat thing. There you go.