Her Big Baby

We watched Toy Story 3 with little M on Sunday night. It would have been awesome if she hadn’t been so frightened by all the danger parts. She wanted to finish it, though, and I was glad of that — better to leave it on a high note rather than in the middle of a scary scene.

On Monday morning she woke up very unhappy, talking about the part where the baby’s heart gets broken. Later she told me she had thought of an idea where there would be a heart protector that would prevent it from getting broken, and that that would be much better. Also, she spent a great deal of time being nice to this baby doll, carrying it around wrapped in blankets, talking and singing to it, and here she has set it up to watch a little tv with some other dolls:

Big Baby relaxing with her pals

So sweet! But I’m thinking we might have to be more careful about which movies we let her watch.

2 Responses to “Her Big Baby”

  1. Lemon Gloria Says:

    Poor little sweetheart! I can totally see being upset by that.

  2. admin Says:

    Seriously! I was too — there was just something about that baby.

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