40 weeks today

And that means we’ve arrived at the due date! Hello due date.

40 weeks!

And we are still in limbo, still going to wait a little longer, in hopes of avoiding another c section. If you have any laborious thoughts to spare, direct them this way please!

Big sister!

Some things little M. has been saying lately:

skuck (stuck)
too gark! (dark!)
ten, nine, eight, seven, six, four, five, three, two, one, emission!
thank you addy. (daddy)
Uriel for Ariel. (Little Mermaid)
too small a me / too big e me.
(just recently started saying too small instead of too mall. sob!)
marfle (marble — she loves marbles)
dan-dad (grand-dad)
niwo (milo, our cat)
that okay. (want an apple? no. that okay.)

I’ll be three, cember. (december)
[who do you want at your birthday party?]
baby sister. cousins.

[what color hair will the baby have?]
[what color eyes?]
white, black, blue.

my baby moving. (rubbing tummy) [haha!]
baby come out, play toys.
baby come out, talka me.

(we have tried to explain, new baby won’t do those things right away…)

Sigh. She changes every day! Today was her first day of preschool for this year. She LOVED it and did not want to leave. I am glad she’ll have the excitement of preschool to help her with the big transition.

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