Sci Fi Bananagrams!

Earlier this week I got together for some scrabble with a few friends. Except we didn’t play scrabble. We tried a new game that M. found called Bananagrams. It has 144 tiles instead of 100, multiple Qs and Zs, and the object is to use the letters you draw to very quickly make connected words, like a crossword or a scrabble board. After we played a bunch of games — super fun games — we decided to attempt to use all the tiles to make one giant themed crossword. Theme: Science Fiction. And we did it! Mostly, anyway. Not all the words are proper nouns, but most are. Woo hoo!

we even got wesley in there, in honor of wil wheaton

5 Responses to “Sci Fi Bananagrams!”

  1. Maria Says:

    We have that game. It’s a lot of fun.

  2. admin Says:

    Isn’t it? Until your opponent starts to say “Peel…peel…peel…peel…” :)

  3. Dan Siddoway Says:

    I showed this picture to an old friend (and current roommate) who prides himself on his encyclopedic knowledge of all things /Trek/. It made his day.

    Halfway through /DS9/ (just finished “The Way of the Warrior”) — and, despite my initial skepticism, it’s already taken /TNG/’s place at the top of my list. Can’t get enough of that Odo/Quark chemistry, and Jadzia trumps Deanna & Beverly combined! (Of course, Sisko’s shaven head is nothing more than a lesser mortal’s attempt to emulate Picard, but we’ll get to that some other time. . . .)

  4. Bananagram Fan Says:

    This has got to be one of the funnest games going. Easy rules, but challenging, and fast paced. I especially like the fact that there is no score-keeping. At my house we handicap anyone who wins two games in a row. They are NOT allowed to use two letter words.

  5. admin Says:

    Ooh, that would be a serious handicap!

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