
Every Friday I go to lunch with my friend J. After we eat, we usually stop by the little bookstore across the street to see what’s new. Over the years we’ve gotten friendly with a couple of really nice people who work there, Nick and Jolene. Usually at least one of them is there, and it’s always nice to see them and talk about books and stuff. So we were in there one day recently, and I was chatting with Jolene while I was checking out with my picks for the day. I hadn’t been in the place for about a month — not really at all since I started showing — and so I was wondering if she would notice my new shape. She didn’t say anything. I figured she couldn’t see because of the counter between us. But when I started walking away, she called my name in this very surprised tone of voice and I turned around and she got all excited and gave me a hug! And we had a good laugh. She explained that she’d figured it out because of the way I was walking.

So apparently I waddle now.

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