I heart Chanzara

C. is so great. And she has wonderful books, and we trust each other, and so we trade-lend books with each other. It’s a good arrangement, since I am not really allowed into bookstores any more.

Lately she has lent me the first few of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s books. I never understood until now why so many people love them. They are really quite amazing and I can’t wait to read them all.

Also read lately:

No Touch Monkey! (Halliday) — omg, Ayun is coming to speak here next month! Yay!
The Calligrapher (Docx) — if you want to enjoy this book most fully, don’t read the back cover, and don’t read the front cover either.
Fluke — Christopher Moore, mm-mm-good. I keep hoping to run into him around here someday. Probably best not to — I’d end up speechless and embarrassed and barfing or crying or something. He just makes awesome books.
Little Children (Perrotta) — hrm. It’s a good book, but most of the children in it are dumb as rocks, which bothered me enough to distract from the story. But then my nieces and nephews are all brilliant, so I suppose I should give the poor characters a break.
Dry — more Augusten Burroughs. I’m glad I read the most recent of his books first. So I know he’s okay.
Pobby and Dingan (Rice) — recommended.
The Final Solution (Chabon) — and now I must read The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay.

And currently reading:

Shopgirl — very different from the other Steve Martin book I’ve read (the pleasure of my company)
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice (Shah) — really great so far, but just started.
Anything You Say Can and Will Be Used Against You (Drummond) — good stuff, but difficult to read at night what with the violence and all.

And next up:

Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life (Rosenthal) — Looks hilarious. I’ve only looked at the cover and the first few pages, but so far it makes me wish I’d come up with all of it.
Bel Canto (Patchett)
The Remains of the Day (Ishiguro)
Foul Matter (Grimes)
The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove (Moore)
The Partly Cloudy Patriot (Vowell) — I love Sarah Vowell!

Finished Shop Girl this morning, couldn’t put it down. Steve Martin is a strange man. With a firm grasp on a certain — uncommon? — kind of cruelty.

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