Coming off a little desperate there, Chase.

I get a lot of junk mail. Who doesn’t? I’ve signed up on the don’t-send-me-junk-mail lists, but it still comes.

I do like receiving some catalogs, especially now that little M is old enough to play the window-shopping game: What would you pick on this page? How about this page? What’s your favorite? She likes to pick first, but then if I pick the same thing she picked, she frowns and picks something else. Or asks me to reconsider. I’ve tried to explain that it’s okay if we pick the same thing, but she’s not buying it.

Anyway, some catalogs are kind of fun. But the credit card offers I could do without. Years ago I used to amuse myself by shredding them and sending them back to the company in the prepaid envelope. No time for that any more.

Nowadays I usually receive several credit card offers per week, from various banks. But these all arrived for me on the same day. From the same bank.

decisions, decisions


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