Palindrome for March

Holy chestnut-backed chickadees, Batman, it’s March! And it’s about danged time I got back into the palindrome habit. So, a bonus entry to take care of that item of business.

This month’s palindrome will be in honor of my sister and especially in honor of our friend Jeff Allen, who taught her this palindrome when we were kids:


Thanks, Emily! And thanks, Jeff! It’s good to be back in touch!


2 Responses to “Palindrome for March”

  1. Lemon Gloria Says:

    That’s an awesome one! If Jordan could read, he would sooooo approve! Also, that green car is super charming.

  2. admin Says:

    Haha, yes, the babies do love the cars. That green one is actually on a chain, it’s one of my favorite necklaces. Just now Little C, who is one month younger than Jordan, was playing with it, running it on my arm saying bbbbbbbt.

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