Subtle* vandalism

An advertisement on the side of a bus. It took me a second to figure out what the problem was. (Click to embiggen a little bit.)


Haha! So, who has time to do this? Someone with access to the bus while it’s parked, I would think. Subversive bus driver? Bus fixer? Or someone who can hang from the side of the bus while it’s moving? I would think Spiderman had better things to do.


*Reading aloud in my Honors English class in high school, I pronounced subtle sub-tle. The whole class laughed. I had thought suttle and subtle were two different words. I felt a little better when, years later, a very smart friend said gaze-bo. That’s what we get for having been avid young readers.

2 Responses to “Subtle* vandalism”

  1. Lemon Gloria Says:

    That’s wonderful, it really is.

    And I thought albeit was pronouced al-bait.

  2. admin Says:

    Haha, nice! That totally makes more sense. English is too weird.

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