Eagle Falls x10

A few weeks ago we stopped at Eagle Falls for the first time. Usually it is a beautiful, peaceful-looking place: green water, pretty waterfall, amazing stone formations, deep pool just downstream. This time, because of all the snowmelt and rain we’d had, it was a tempest.

We parked, walked down the road a little, and climbed over the guard rail to get a better look, and as soon as we were over the rail, I picked up the four year old. Big M had the 16 month old. There was no way in heck that we were going to let them roam around near that stretch of water. Holding hands was so not sufficient.

The videos I took are even shakier than usual, since I had a heavy and wiggly girly on my hip.

This last one features the ignored complaints of an increasingly chilly little girl. I am a wonderful mother.

2 Responses to “Eagle Falls x10”

  1. Lemon Gloria Says:

    Holy cow! That water is really moving! I would be totally nervous with Jordan in my arms – he’s strong and super wiggly.

  2. admin Says:

    Yeah, it was pretty freaky being that close to the water. She hung on pretty well though.

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