
rilly rill

Taken at the Oregon coast last July.
Just now I was thinking it looked like a rill. So I looked up rill to see if it fit.

From the OED:

rill, n.1
1. a. A small stream; a brook, runnel, rivulet; spec. A small trickle of water formed temporarily in soil or sand after rain or tidal ebb.

But exactly!

4 Responses to “Rill”

  1. femily Says:

    i love this picture.
    i love how blue the rocks are.
    whenever i bring rocks home from a beach i try to bring a little bit of sand, too. the colors show up so much better in contrast to their natural environment… a purple rock on long beach is just flat gray in my living room.


    nice soft word.


  2. admin Says:

    Oh you are so dear. And so right about the beach rocks just looking gray! That happens to me too! :)

  3. Lisa Says:

    Ohh, A.S., this is so beautiful! What a lovely eye you have!

  4. admin Says:

    Thank you, Lisa! Oh my, what a nice compliment! :)

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