Palindrome for April

Wonder of wonders, it’s a punctual palindrome! And it’s April Fool’s Day, so we get to be a little sillier than usual. Here we go:

Stack cats.

So don’t really stack any cats, please — April Fool’s, remember?
Please don’t stack any cats. Please and thank you.

4 Responses to “Palindrome for April”

  1. fem Says:

    too late, remy charlip already did.
    although, i don’t believe that any cats were harmed in the stacking process.
    (see arm in arm pages 8 and 9)

  2. admin Says:

    Haha! How could I forget?
    [I had trouble getting to the right pages, searching for copy cat got me there though.]
    Yay for Remy Charlip!

  3. Cat Says:

    I like it! :) Hope you’re well!

  4. admin Says:

    Haha! The world would be so lucky if there were enough Cats to make a stack :)

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