aaaaa! December!

Unbelievable. December 2004. That’s just so weird.

Early in the morning I wake up and look out and it’s just gray gray gray. Almost every day this week. At least that means I get a little more sleep (instead of jumping up and taking dozens of pictures of the sunrise). And seeing as how I am in full hibernation mode, that is a good thing.

M. is in handyman mode. He is putting walls and a ceiling in the laundry room. It is extremely exciting. The rest of the basement is next. Whee!

We went to a party at Cat’s last night and it was fun! Visited with Cat. Met some fine people. One of them amuses himself by driving people around in a Checker cab (a gorgeous one) for free:

And another person we met looked like Avery Brooks. I didn’t tell him that though.

Thanksgiving was lovely — a fun time at my folks’ house where there is a NEW PUPPY of all things. And a fun time on the Oregon coast. We went hunting for chanterelles! And then Thomas cooked them up, and they were just like candy. He and Erica sent us home with a bag of them, and I cooked them the way they said to, and they turned out wonderfully. Only they (the chanterelles) made little screaming sounds while they were being sauteed. “eeeeeeeeeeee! don’t hurt us pleeeeeeeeeeeeease!” is what they said. But I had to. I had no choice.


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