
curly garlic

Yesterday we got our first box from the Oxbow Farm CSA program. We got to meet Luke the farmer — he was there at the pickup spot for this first box of the season. Got our box and headed for home, but then had to stop at the wwah for a few appetizers so we wouldn’t starve while I was trying to figure out what vegetably dinner to make. And who should come in a bit later but Farmer Luke himself! Plunked down next to me at the horse-shoe, and chatted a bit. Very personable fellow.

When we got home and opened the box, it was so exciting! Just like Christmas. And it was way fun to come up with a couple of dishes with the help of my trusty New Basics cookbook.*

I picked out a fennel bulb and two green onions and four garlic stalks with seed heads, and cut them all up and cooked them in olive oil for a while, then added some chicken broth and let that all cook down, then salt and pepper and a bed of rice. Yum! And while that was cooking I shelled all the fava beans (the pods of which have fascinating furry insides) and boiled the beans, not very long because they were so young, then tossed them together with cut-up artichoke hearts and butter and salt and pepper. Yum yum!

Cutting up the garlic stalks was hilarious. They were like wonky silly straws. They wouldn’t hold still! Wish I’d taken the picture before they got a little mashed in the fridge. They’re neat.

*I like the word cookbook.

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